Using Network API』s In Monarch

Using Network API』s In Monarch

Using Network API』s In Monarch
Connecting to your social account allows Monarch to update your social follower counts automatically.

What Are Networking API』s?
Networking API』s allow Monarch to automatically grab follower counts from your social profiles and display them on your website. This means that, for the networks that support it, you never have to update your follower count since the plugin continually checks the API and caches the count for you. Only certain networks support API calls, and each of them need to be configured a little differently. For a full list of supported networks and their installation instructions, keep reading.

Before you can configure your API settings, you must first make sure that you have 「Get Counts VIA API」 enabled within the Networks tab of your Monarch settings panel. Once enabled, you can begin setting up each account as outlined below.
Twitter uses OAuth for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access your profile information. To begin the process, first log in to your account and then access the Application Manager. Here you will need to fill in several fields as outlined below:
This can be anything you want. Just something to remember it by.
This can be anything you want as well.
The full URL to your website (for example,
Callback URI
This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the Monarch settings inside your WordPress Dashboard. To get this URL, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networks and then copy and past the URL from your address bar. It will look something like this:
Once you have filled in the required information, click the 「Create Your Twitter Application」 button and you will be taken to a new page that contains the information you will need to link Monarch to your account. Copy and paste the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret into the Twitter API settings within the Networks tab of your Monarch settings panel. Click the 「Authorize」 button the complete the process. Monarch will now grab your twitter follower counts automatically.

Youtube uses authorization keys for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access your subscriber count. First, input the ID of your channel into the 「name」 field within the Monarch networks tab. The channel ID can be found at the end of your channel URL. For example:

Obtain An API Key
Now, log in to your Youtube account and then access the Google Developers Console where you will create a new Project. Then in the sidebar on the left, click Overview. In the list of APIs, make sure YouTube Data API v3 is included in the list of Enabled APIs.

In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials. Click the blue Create credentials button and select API key. For the key type, select Server key and then assign it a name to remember it by. Finally, select the blue Create button. You will now see your new API Key. You must copy and paste the API Key into the Youtube authentication fields within the Social Follow tab of the Monarch control panel. When you click the 「Authorize」 button, Monarch will automatically grab your Youtube share and follower counts.
Pinterest makes it easy to access the API for your account. Simply input the URL to your Pinterest profile page into the Pinterest URL field in the Networks tab of your Monarch settings panel. Monarch will now grab your follower counts automatically.


Facebook uses OAuth for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access share and follow information. To begin the process, open Monarch』s control panel and go to the Social Follow Networks tab. If you have not done so already, go ahead and enable Facebook by clicking Add Networks. Now you will see four input fields. In the second field (from the left) input your Facebook Page』s complete URL. In the third field, input only your Facebook Page』s name. For more information on how to setup a name for your Facebook Page see this article in Facebook』s Help Center.
Page URLs will typically have the following format:

To obtain an App ID & Secret for Monarch, log in to your Facebook account and then access the Facebook
Developers page. From the main menu, hover over 「My Apps」 and then click 「Add a New App」.
Now, input a name for your App. This can be anything you want. It』s just something to remember it by. Next, adjust the contact email if necessary and click Create App ID.
In the next step you are prompted to 「Select a Scenario」 where you can select the first option 「Integrate Facebook Login」. Click on 「Confirm」 to confirm the selection.

Now, from the main menu on the left, find the Products section and click Facebook Login > Settings.
Find the field labeled Valid OAuth redirect URIs and input your site』s redirect URL using the following format (replace the highlighted portion with your domain):

Now click the button labeled Save Changes located at the bottom-right side of the page.
Note: As of March 2018 all new apps created have the 「Enforce HTTPS」 option enabled by default and it cannot be turned off. More information about this can be found here.
Finally, you must copy and paste the App ID and the App Secret into the Facebook authentication fields within the General Settings tab of Monarch』s control panel. You can find the ID and Secret in Settings > Basic from the left side menu.

Leave this tab opened and head out to your WordPress Dashboard > Tools > Monarch Settings > General Settings and enter the App ID and App Secret from your Facebook app.

Once you click on the Authorize button you will be redirected to the Facebook authorization page where you may see a popup with a warning message saying 「Some of the permissions below have not been approved for use by Facebook. Submit for review now or learn more「. This warning message can be disregarded as long as the account you are using to authorize is administrator on both the app and the Facebook page. Click on 「Continue as …」 then 「Ok」 to complete the authorization and now Monarch will automatically grab your Facebook share and follower counts.

Instragram uses OAuth for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access your profile information. To begin the process, first access the developer clients manager. Once you have clicked the URL, you will be asked to log in to access the API tools.
Once logged in, click the 「Register Your App」 button to get started. Then, click the 「Register a New Client」 button at the top of the screen. On this screen, you will need to fill in the following fields:
Application Name
This can be anything you want. Just something to remember it by.
This can be anything you want as well.
Input the full URL to your website (for example,
OAth Redirect URI
This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the Monarch settings inside your WordPress Dashboard. To get this URL, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networks and then copy and past the URL from your address bar. It will look something like this:

Once these fields have been filled out, click the 「Register」 button to complete the process. You will be brought to a new page that lists the information of your new app. You will need to copy and paste the Client ID and the Client Secret into the Twitter API settings fields within the Monarch Social Follow Networks tab, and then click the 「Authorize」 button to complete the process. Once authorized, your website will grab your social follow counts automatically.

LinkedIn uses OAuth for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access your company profile information. To begin the process, first access the secure developer tools. After you click the URL, you will be asked to log in to access the API tools.
Once logged in, click the 「Add New Application」 button to get started. You will be taken to a new page where you will need to fill in the following fields as shown here:
Applicate Name
This can be whatever you like.
This can be whatever you like.
Website URL
Input the full URL to your website (for example,
Live Status
Set to 「Live.」
Default Scope
r_basicprofile (only have this selected)
OAuth 2.0 Redirect URL
This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the Monarch settings inside your WordPress Dashboard. To get this URL, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networks and then copy and past the URL from your address bar. Next, delete everything after the # character within the URL ( In the end, it will look something like this:
OAuth 1.0 Accept Redirect URL
Input the same URL as used in the field above.
Next click the 「Add Application」 button to complete the process. This will bring you to a success page with some information that you will need to input into the LinkedIn API fields within the Networks tab of the Monarch settings page in your WordPress Dashboard. Copy and paste the API Key and the Secret Key into the required fields, and then click the Authorize button the complete the profess. Monarch will now be able to grab your company』s follower counts automatically from LinkedIn.

Before Dribbble will give Monarch your follower count, you will first need to register an application and receive an access token. First, log in to and then access the Register Application page. Here you will need to fill in the following fields:
This can be anything you like.
This can be anything you like.
Website URL
Input the full URL to your website (for example,
Callback URL
Input the full URL to your website (for example,
Next click the 「Register Application」 button. You will be taken to a new page with three pieces of information. Copy and paste the 「Acess Token」 into the Dribbble Access Token field within the Networks Tab of your Monarch settings page. Monarch will now grab your follower counts automatically.

Vimeo uses OAuth for its API, which means it requires some additional authentication steps before it will allow Monarch to access your profile information. To begin the process, log in to your account and then access the Vimeo API Tools to get started.
Click the 「Create A New App」 button, and then fill in the required fields as outlined below:
App Name
This can be anything you want. Just something to remember it by.
App Description
This can be anything you want as well.
Input the full URL to your website (for example,
Callback URI
This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the Monarch settings inside your WordPress Dashboard. To get this URL, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networks and then copy and past the URL from your address bar. It will look something like this:
Click the 「Create App」 button to bring you back to the developer tools home page. Next click the 「Authentication」 tab, which will give you a list of information about your new app. You will need to copy and paste the Client Identifier and the Client Secret into the Vimeo authentication fields within the Network tab of the Monarch settings panel. Once you click the Authorize button, Monarch will automatically grab your Vimeo follower counts.

Soundcloud requires two pieces of information in order to grab your follower counts via their API: Name and Client ID. To access these details, you will first need to register an app within your Soundcloud account.
Log in to your account and then access the Soundcloud Apps Page to get started. Click the 「Register A New Application」 button to begin the app creation process.
Next you will be asked to fill in the following information:
This can be anything you like.
Website of your app
Input the full URL to your website, such as:
Redirect URL
This setting requires a very specific URL to identify your app. The URL that must be pasted here is the URL that leads directly to the Social Follow Networks tab in the Monarch settings inside your WordPress Dashboard. To get this URL, log in to your WordPress Dashboard and click Tools > Monarch Settings> Social Follow > Networks and then copy and past the URL from your address bar. It will look something like this:
Click the 「Save App」 button. After your application has been saved, copy and paste the 「Client ID」 (which will be listed on the app page your are currently on) and your SoundCloud Username into the SoundCloud API settings within the Networks tab of your Monarch settings panel. Monarch will now grab your follower counts automatically.

Github makes it easy to grab your follower counts. All you need to do is input your Github username into the Github 「Name」 field within the Networks tab of your Monarch settings panel.

Before you can configure VK, you first need to figure out your User ID, which is actually different than the VK username you use when logging in. To access this User ID, log in to VK and then go to the Account Settings page. Scroll down and look for the 「Your Profile ID」 section, and then copy and paste your Profile ID into the 「User ID」 field within the VK API settings inside the Network tab of your Monarch settings panel.

Projects & Portfolios In Extra

Projects & Portfolios In Extra

Projects & Portfolios In Extra
Extra』s project post type can be used to create an online digital portfolio.

Extra』s includes a custom project post type. One of the ways it can be used is to create an online digital portfolio. In Extra, a Portfolio is basically a group of Project posts, represented by their featured images and post meta information, that link back to the individual projects』 page.
There are five Portfolio layouts/styles included with Extra, including: Standard, Standard Grid, Fullwidth Grid, Masonry Grid and Fullwidth Carousel.
How To Create A New Project
Extra makes building a project fun and easy. When you installed Extra, a 『Projects』 menu item was added to the main menu of your WordPress Dashboard so you can create Projects in the same manner as a Post or Page. You also have the option to use the basic project layout, or to use the Divi Builder to create truly amazing project layouts.

Creating Your Project

Start off by defining your project title.
Content Editor
When using the basic project layout (instead of the Divi Builder), your featured image will appear at the top of the page above any content that you place in the content editor.
Project categories are separate from post categories so that you can have full control over what appears inside of your portfolios. Here you can add a new category or choose from existing categories.
Skills are to Project Posts as Tags are to Regular Posts. They provide another method of organizing your projects as well as an easy way for your site』s visitors to navigate and discover your portfolio content.
Extra Settings
Here you can configure various post options for your project such as which of your Sidebars should be displayed, the Sidebar display location, post meta visibility, etc.
Project Details Options Group
The options inside this settings box allow you to configure what is displayed in the Project Details area on the frontend.
Project Details Title
Here you can configure the title for the Project Details area. The default title is 「Project Details」.
Project URL
When using the basic project layout (instead of the Divi Builder), your featured image will appear at the top of the page above any content that you place in the content editor.
Open In New Window
Choose whether or not the project URL should open in a new window.
Project URL Text
The text that will be used to create a link to your project URL.
Project Description Location
Here yo can choose where on the page the Project Details area will be displayed (eg. below content, in the sidebar, etc).
Project Short Description
A short description for your project to be included in the Project Details area.
Featured Image
Here you can select a featured image for your project by choosing/installing an image via the WordPress Media Library. This will be the image that will be used to create the thumbnail that represents your project in portfolios.
A thumbnail is a copy of an image that has been scaled and/or cropped to fit a predefined size. For best results when using a grid layout, we recommend that all of your project featured images have the same aspect ratio.
Project Gallery
The options inside this settings box allow you to configure an Image Gallery Slider for your project.
Add Images
This option allows you to use the WordPress Media Library to add existing photos to your project gallery and/or upload new photos.
Extended Layout
As an alternative to the basic project layout, you can use the Divi Builder to create extended layouts. In this mode, you have just as much creative freedom as you do when creating any other post/page with the Divi Builder.
NOTE: If you choose to use the builder, you will start from a blank canvas. That means all of the elements from the basic project layout (as described above) are removed (i.e. Title, Categories, Featured Image, Skills, and Date). However, you can still add this information to your project layout using the appropriate builder modules.

The Extra Posts Module

The Extra Posts Module

The Extra Posts Module
Display a basic feed of posts from specific categories and sorted by various different methods.

Module Overview

The Posts Module displays up to five posts with one being the primary/active post. The user can cycle through the posts (changing the current primary/active post) by clicking on any of the non-primary posts. Exactly which posts are shown in the module will depend on which categories you apply the layout to as well as how you configure the module』s settings.
View A Live Demo Of This Module
The Module Options

General Settings
Choose the categories from which this module should display posts.
Posts Limit
Define the number of posts to be shown in the slider.
Display Featured Posts Only
Yep, you guessed it! Enable this option to show only featured posts.
Show Featured Image
Show the posts』 featured image.
Show Author
Include the author in each posts』 post-meta information.
Show Categories
Include categories in each posts』 post-meta information.
Show Comments
Include the comment count in each posts』 post-meta information.
Show Rating
Include the rating in each posts』 post-meta information.
Show Date
Include the date in each posts』 post-meta information.
Heading Style
Choose a heading style.
Sort Method
Choose the method in which the posts will be sorted.
Sort Order
Choose whether the posts will be displayed in descending or ascending order.
Date Format
The format in which to display the date. This must be specified using a PHP date() format string.
Admin Label
This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification.
Enter an optional CSS ID to be used for this module. An ID can be used to create custom CSS styling, or to create links to particular sections of your page.
CSS Class
Enter optional CSS classes to be used for this module. A CSS class can be used to create custom CSS styling. You can add multiple classes, separated with a space.

Customizing The Monarch Design

Customizing The Monarch Design

Customizing The Monarch Design
Monarch comes with some great design customization options for each integration area.

An Overview Of The Monarch Design Settings
Monarch is packed full of design options so that you can fully customize your sharing and follow buttons into your website』s design. Combining button shape options, icon placement, icon spacing, button hover effects, and unlimited color options, the design possibilities are countless.
Hover Styles

Sidebar Hover Styles
Choose from 5 hover effects for you floating sidebar. These hover effects become even more diverse as you mix them with different button shapes and button spacing as described below.
Inline Button Hover Styles
Choose from 4 hover effects for you inline sharing and following buttons. Again, these hover styles become more unique when combined with other design settings.
Icon Shapes

Monarch comes with three different button shapes. You can choose for you buttons to have squared corners, rounded corners, or be circles. If you choose circle shapes, your network labels and counts will appear outside of the button in contrast to the rectangular shapes which include network icons, labels, and counts all within the button.
Icon Orientation

Another great design option is your icon orientation. This doubles the design possibilities and can really effect the outcome of your custom designs. If you choose 『Left』 Orientation, your button content will appear to the right of the network icons. If you choose a 『Centered』 orientation, your button content will appear below your network icons. See below for info about button content
Icon Spacing

This setting lets you add a spacing between your buttons or remove it entirely for a two very different looks.
Button Content

Display Follow/Share Counts
This setting lets you display either the share or follow count alongside the network icons. This is a great way to show off how popular a page or social profile is.
Minimum Count Display
Sometimes content is new and profiles are young. This setting lets you set a minimum display count so that a count will not display if it is under your defined threshold.
Display Network Labels
This setting lets you display a button label. By default, this is the network name, but it can be customized to say things like 『Pin This』, 『Tweet This』, or 『follow Us』.
Column Display

Monarch comes with three different button shapes. You can choose for you buttons to have squared corners, rounded corners, or be circles. If you choose circle shapes, your network labels and counts will appear outside of the button in contrast to the rectangular shapes which include network icons, labels, and counts all within the button.
Color Settings

Use Custom Colors
By default, Monarch uses the default network colors, but for a more custom approach you can select your own button colors. If an option below is not defined, the default setting will be used for that element.
Background Color
This color picker will define the background color of your buttons.
Hover Background Color
This color picker will define the background color of your buttons when the user hovers over a button.
Icon Color
This color picker will define the color of your buttons』 icons.
Icon Color
This color picker will define the color of your buttons』 icons when the user hover over a button.

The Divi Video Slider Module

The Divi Video Slider Module

The Divi Video Slider Module
How to add, configure and customize the Divi video slider module.

Divi makes it easy to add a Video Slider to your page. This is a great way to organize collections of videos from just about any source. The video gallery also allows you to customize video thumbnail images and play button to add a clear, custom style to your embeds.
How to Add a Video Slider Module to Your Page
Before you can add a video slider module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder』s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Enable Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don』t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi』s row and section elements.

Locate the video slider module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type 「video slider」 and then hit enter to automatically find and add the video slider module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module』s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.
Populating the Video Slider with Content

Before adjusting too many settings it』s probably a good idea to go ahead and populate your video slider with video slides. That way when you make changes you』ll actually be able to see how they affect the end result. To add a new video slide you will need to click the + Add New Item link.

Here you can either upload a .mp4 or Webm file. You can also insert a video url from YouTube. When you』ve either uploaded your file or added the YouTube link simply click the green check button in the bottom right hand corner and you will return to the video slider module』s main content tab. Repeat this process for each video you』d like to add.
Video Slider Module Content Settings
Now that your content has been added, there are a few other areas to explore. The three content tab dropdown menus where settings have been grouped which will affect the entire module.
Under elements you』e able to adjust the setting for the video slider module』s arrows and slider controls.
Here you can choose to show or hide video overlays on the main video. This can be done by adding an overlay to each video slide or auto-generated by Divi.
Admin Label
In this dropdown you can add an admin label that will appear in the back end builder as well as the visual builder』s skeleton view.
Video Slider Module Design Settings

In this tab there is just one group of settings called Controls Colors. Here you can change the slider controls color from light to dark, change the color of the play icon, and adjust the thumbnail overlay color.
Video Slider Module Advanced Settings

In the Advanced tab of your video slider module you are able to add a unique css id and class. You are also able to add custom css to various pre-defined (and pre-selected) css selectors within the video slider module in the custom css dropdown. And finally in the visibility dropdown you are able to adjust the visibility of your module on phones, tablets, and desktops.
Individual Video Content Settings

If you want to create specific settings for individual slides, these will need to be configured inside the video slides themselves. Simply click on that slide』s gear icon to open up it』s unique settings.
As demonstrated above, this is where you are able to add your video content.
In the overlay dropdown you can upload an image to overlay your video slide or choose to have Divi generate one automatically.
Individual Video Design Settings

In the design tab of your video slide you are able to change your slide arrow color from light to dark.
Use Case Example: Adding a Video Slider to showcase tutorial videos for a Course Page
For this example, I』m going to show you how to use a video slider to showcase a series of tutorial videos for a online course page..

Let』s get started.
Use the visual builder to add a Regular Section with a fullwidth (1 column) row. Then add a Video Slider Module to the row.

The first thing you need to do when the Video Slider Settings modal pops up is select + Add New Item in order to add your first video to the module.
Update the Individual Video Settings as follows:
Content tab
Video MP4/URL: [enter URL or upload video]
Video Webm: [enter URL or upload video]
Image Overlay URL: [insert custom image to serve as overlay]
Design tab
Slider Arrows Color: Light

Save Settings
Repeat this step to add the rest of the videos needed for the unit.
Once all of the videos and custom image overlays have been added, go back to the Video Slider Settings and update the options as follows:
Content tab
Arrows: Show Arrows
Slider Controls: Use Thumbnail Track
Display Image Overlays on Main Video: Show
Design tab
Slider Controls Color: Light
Play Icon Color: #ffffff

That』s it!

The Divi Toggle Module

The Divi Toggle Module

The Divi Toggle Module
How to add, configure and customize the Divi toggle module.

Toggles are a great way to consolidate information and improve user experience on your page. Using Divi, you can create any number of toggles that will look great inside any sized column.
View A Live Demo Of This Module
How to Add a Toggle Module to Your Page
Before you can add a toggle module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder』s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Enable Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don』t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi』s row and section elements.

Locate the toggle module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type 「toggle」 and then hit enter to automatically find and add the toggle module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module』s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.
Use Case Example: FAQ Page
An FAQ page is one of the best places to consolidate information using the Toggle Module. It allows the user to quickly identify what question they want to without having to read through tons of text. For this example I』m going to show you how you can use the Toggle Module to design a modern FAQ section for your FAQ page in minutes.

Using the Visual Builder, add a new section with a fullwidth (1 column) row. Then add a Divider module to the row. Under the Content tab of the Divider Module Settings, select the option to 「Show Divider」.

Under the Design Tab, enter the following options:
Color: #000000 (black)
Divider Style: Solid
Divider Position: Vertically Centered
Divider Weight: 4px
Height: 1

Next add a Toggle Module under the Divider I just created in the same row. In the Toggle Module Settings, update the following:
Content tab
Title: [enter your title]
Content: [enter your content]
State: Close
Open Toggle Background Color: #ffffff
Closed Toggle Background Color: #ffffff
Background Color: #ffffff
Design tab
Icon Color: #000000
Open Toggle Text Color: #000000
Closed Toggle Text Color: #000000
Title Font: Open Sans, Bold
Title Font Size: 24px
Title Text Color: #000000
Body Font: Open Sans
Body Font Size: 18px
Body Text Color: #666666
Body Line Height: 1.6em
Use Border: YES
Border Width: 0px
Custom Padding: Top 2px, Bottom 2px

After you have saved your setting for the Toggle Module, duplicate the Divider Module you created and place it underneath the Toggle Module. This will frame the Toggle with a top and bottom divider line. After that, duplicate your Toggle Module and place it after the bottom divider line. Since this is a duplicate Toggle Module, all the design settings have carried over to the new Toggle and all you need to do is update the content of the new Toggle Module. Then continue the process of duplicating divider modules and Toggle Modules and updating the content of your Toggles until you have all the FAQ section completed.
That』s it. Now you have a modern FAQ section using the Toggle Module to consolidate your questions and answers.

Now that you』ve seen the toggle module in action, dive into ALL of it』s settings in the sections below. We』ve provided a detailed rundown of what you will find inside each tab of the module』s settings and an explanation of what each one does.
The Toggle Module Content Settings

The toggle module』s content tab is organized into the following groups of settings (which also toggle!).
This is where you are able to add the toggle title and content.
You can choose whether or not you want your toggle to appear open or closed by default with this setting.
Here you can change the open toggle background color and the closed toggle background color. You can also easily make them the same thing by setting the background color option. There is also the option to set or upload a background image.
Admin Label
By default, your toggle module will appear with a label that reads 『Toggle』 in the builder. The Admin Label allows you to change this label for easy identification.
The Toggle Module Design Settings

The toggle module』s design settings have been grouped into the following dropdown toggles under the design tab.
This is where you can change the toggle icon color.
Here you』re able to set the color for open and closed toggle text.
Title Text
Here you can adjust the title text font, weight, size, color, spacing, line height, and more.
Body Text
Here you can adjust the body text font, weight, size, color, spacing, line height, and more.
Here you can choose to use a border. And if you do choose to use a border, you』re also able to select it』s color, change it』s width, and choose it』s style.
In the spacing area you』re able to add custom padding to the top, right, bottom, or left of the toggle. You can also change these values for desktop, tablet, or mobile devices.
The Toggle Module Advanced Settings

In the Advanced tab of your toggle module you are able to add a unique css id and class. You are also able to add custom css to various pre-defined (and pre-selected) css selectors within the video slider module in the custom css dropdown. And finally in the visibility dropdown you are able to adjust the visibility of your module on phones, tablets, and desktops.

Spam Protection Providers

Spam Protection Providers

Spam Protection Providers
Detailed instructions for obtaining api keys from the spam protection services supported by some Divi modules.

Divi』s Contact Form and Email Optin modules support the use of a 3rd-party spam protection service. This page provides instructions for each of the supported providers.
Google reCAPTCHA
To use reCAPTCHA with Divi you need a site key and site secret. First, click the blue button on the top right side of the page labeled 「Admin console」.

After logging in using your Google account you will see the reCAPTCHA Admin console. API keys are assigned per website domain. Click the plus icon located in the blue bar at the top right of the page.

Fill out the form making sure to choose reCAPTCHA version 3 and then click the submit button.

Finally, after submitting the form you will be redirected to a page that provides your key and secret. Copy and paste those into the appropriate fields in your Divi module settings.

The Divi Video Module

The Divi Video Module

The Divi Video Module
How to add, configure and customize the Divi video module.

Adding videos to your page in Divi is simple using the Video module. The module allows you to embed videos from just about any source, as well as customize the thumbnail image and play button to add a clearner style to the embed.
View A Live Demo Of This Module
How To Add A Video Module To Your Page
Before you can add a video module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder』s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don』t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi』s row and section elements.

Locate the video module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word 「video」 and then click enter to automatically find and add the video module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module』s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.
Use Case Example: Adding a Video to Your Landing Page
Adding a video to your landing page is a great way to promote your products and increase conversions. In this example, I』m going to show you how you can use the video module to add a video to your landing page. I』ve put a red circle where the video needs to go.

Using the Visual Builder, I add a new section with a fullwidth (1 column) row. In the row settings, under the Design tab, I select the option to 「Use Custom Width」. For the Custom Width option that shows up, I enter a custom width of 767px. This makes sure the video module I』m going to add in this row doesn』t exceed this width and become too large on larger screen sizes.

Next, I add the Video Module to the row. Under the Content tab of the Video Module Setting, I enter the video URL of the video I want to embed on my landing page. I』m using the URL of a youtube video for this example.

Then I add an Image Overlay URL for my video by clicking the 「Generate From Video」 button. This automatically pulls an image from the video to serve as an overlay with a new custom video icon.

Under the Design tab, I change the color of the play icon to match my landing page.

Now I have a video for my landing page that looks clean and matches my design.

Now that you』ve seen the video module in action, dive into ALL of it』s settings in the sections below. We』ve provided a detailed rundown of what you will find inside each tab of the module』s settings and an explanation of what each one does.
Content Options

Video URL
The Divi Video module lets you add video using two different methods. You can either upload your own video file from your computer by clicking the 「Upload Video」 button and selecting the desired file, or you can input any Video URL from a third party video source such as Youtube or Vimeo. Simply copy and paste the URL from your browser and paste it into the Video URL field and Divi will take care of the rest!.
Image Overlay URL
If you would like to define a custom video thumbnail image, which will be placed over the standard video interface with a custom play button to create a cleaner and more stylized appearance, then you can choose to do so using the Image Overlay field. This field allows you to either upload your own custom image, or let Divi automatically generate one from your video URL. Most of the video providers support this option, such as Youtube and Vimeo. Simply click the 「Generate From Video」 button and let Divi take care of the rest!
Admin Label
By default, your video module will appear with a label that reads 『Video』 in the builder. The Admin Label allows you to change this label for easy identification.
Design Options
Play Icon Color

If you designate an image overlay for your video module, the video displayed contains a play icon over the video. You can designate the color of this icon here to match the color scheme of your page.
Advanced Options

CSS ID and Classes
This can be used to add a unique CSS ID or Class to your module. These can then be used in your stylesheet or within the Theme Options Custom CSS box to apply custom styling to the module. CSS ID』s can also be targeted with anchor links to link to certain areas of your page.
Custom CSS
Here you can add custom CSS to your video module.
If you want to hide your video module on certain devices, you can select which devices on which you want the video module to be disabled.

How To Update The Divi Theme

How To Update The Divi Theme

How To Update The Divi Theme
Our themes support automatic updates using our updater plugin.

Updating Your Themes & Plugins
Elegant Themes products can be updated normally through the WordPress update system. When new versions of our themes or plugins become available, update notifications will appear in the Dashboard > Updates page of your WordPress Dashboard, as well as within the Themes & Plugins manager. It is important to always keep your themes and plugins updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress, to keep your website secure, and to take advantage of the latest and greatest features! Before you can update, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription by inputting your Username and API Key into the Updates tab of your theme or plugin settings. Only members with active Elegant Themes accounts have access to the latest versions of our products. Your Username is the username you use when logging in to, and your API Key can be found by logging into your Elegant Themes account and clicking on the Account > Your API Key link. Once you have authenticated your account, you can click the update link when you receive an update notification to automatically update your theme or plugin.
Update Notifications
When new updates become available for any of our themes or plugins, a notification will appear in the Dashboard > Updates page of your website』s WordPress Dashboard.

Authenticating Your Membership
Before you can update your theme or plugin, you must first authenticate your Elegant Themes subscription. Only members with active accounts have access to product updates. To authenticate your account, you will be asked to input two pieces of information into your theme or plugin settings panel: 1) Your Username and 2) Your API Key. Your username is the same username you use when logging in to your account, and your API Key is a unique identifier used to authenticate your account that is only available to you when logging in. To locate your API Key, log in to the Elegant Themes members area and click on the Account > Your API Key link. Copy the API Key displayed on the page. You will by pasting this key into your Theme or Plugin options page.

Once you have copied your API Key, you will need to use it to authenticate your account by pasting it into your theme or plugin options page. Log in to your website』s WordPress Dashboard and navigate to your theme or plugin options page. For Divi, this can be found by clicking the Divi > Theme Options link.

Once you have loaded your theme or plugin options page, look for the Updates tab. Click the Updates tab to reveal the Username and API Key fields. Type your username into the Username field and paste the API Key you copied earlier into the API Key field. You should confirm that you have not copied any extra white spaces by mistake. Click save to complete the account authorization.

Once you have entered your credentials, you are now ready to update your theme. Click on the Dashboard > Updates tab and update your theme or plugin normally using the WordPress update interface. If you do not see any update notifications, or you receive an authentication error when updating, try waiting a bit and then check back later. Sometimes WordPress will cache update notifications and it can take some time for them to appear correctly.
Managing API Keys
API keys can be managed with the Elegant Themes member』s area. Here you can add new API Keys as well as deactivate keys that you have generated in the past. If you are using Divi on different client websites, it』s often a good idea to generate a new key for each site. If your relationship with the client is terminated, you can deactivate their API key.

The Divi Tabs Module

The Divi Tabs Module

The Divi Tabs Module
How to add, configure and customize the Divi tabs module.

Tabs are a great way to consolidate information and improve user experience on your page. Using Divi, you can create any number of tabs that will look great inside any sized column. At ¼ columns, tab buttons are stacked and remain visible. At larger sizes, tab buttons lay in a horizontal row. Any kind of content can be placed within a tab as tab content is controlled using the standard WordPress post editor.
View A Live Demo Of This Module
How To Add A Tabs Module To Your Page
Before you can add a tabs module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Once the Divi Theme has been installed on your website, you will notice a Use Divi Builder button above the post editor every time you are building a new page. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder』s modules. Next, click the Use Visual Builder button to launch the builder in Visual Mode. You can also click the Use Visual Builder button when browsing your website on the front end if you are logged in to your WordPress Dashboard.

Once you have entered the Visual Builder, you can click the gray plus button to add a new module to your page. New modules can only be added inside of Rows. If you are starting a new page, don』t forget to add a row to your page first. We have some great tutorials about how to use Divi』s row and section elements.

Locate the tabs module within the list of modules and click it to add it to your page. The module list is searchable, which means you can also type the word 「tabs」 and then click enter to automatically find and add the tabs module! Once the module has been added, you will be greeted with the module』s list of options. These options are separated into three main groups: Content, Design and Advanced.
Use Case Example: Adding Tabs to Organize Product Features
Tabs are great for consolidating and organizing your content. One common use for tabs is to showcase features of a product. If your product has three or more features, organizing them into tabs will create a better user experience, allowing the user to easily digest the content.
For this example, I』m going to show you how to add a Tab Module to a product page for the purpose of showcasing the product features.

First add a new section and a new row with a 1/2 1/2 column layout. On the left column, add your 510 x 510 product image using the Image Module.

On the right column, add the Tabs Module. Under the Content Tab of the Tabs Module Settings, click 「add a new item」 to bring up the settings for your first specific tab. Update the tab settings under the Content tab as follows:
Title: [add the title or label of your tab]
Content: [add the main body content of your tab]

Save the tab settings and repeat this process to create two more tabs.

Once your tabs have been created, go to the Design tab of your Tabs Settings and change the Tab Text Color to #0c71c3 (blue).

Now you have a effective Tabs Module you can use to display information on your products.

Tabs Content Options
Within the content tab you will find all of the module』s content elements, such as text, images and icons. Anything that controls what appears in your module will always be found within this tab.

Add New Item
This is where you add new tabs to your Tabs Module. Clicking 「add new item」 will open a completely new list of design settings (including Content, Design, Advanced) for your new tab. See below for individual tab settings.
After you add your first tab, you will see a gray bar appear with the title of your tab shown as a label. The gray bar also has three buttons that allow you to edit the settings of the tab, duplicate the tab, or delete the tab.
If you have customized the settings for your first tab and want to keep the style throughout the rest of your tabs, click the duplicate icon/button. You will see a new gray bar appear beneath the first tab. Click to edit the content of the new tab and repeat this process for the rest of your tabs.
Active Tab Background Color
This option allows you to add a background color to your active tabs. A tab is considered active when it has been clicked or selected. By default your active tab background color is white and matches the default white background color of your tab content.
Inactive Tab Background Color
This option allows you to add a background color to your inactive tabs. A tab is considered inactive when it has not been clicked or selected. By default your inactive tab background color is gray in contrast to the default white background color of the active tab. This background color contrast for active and inactive tabs allow for easier navigation between tabs.
Background Color
This option allows you to change the background color of the tab module content.
Background Image
This option allows you to add a background image of the tab module content.
Admin Label
By default, your video module will appear with a label that reads 『Video』 in the builder. The Admin Label allows you to change this label for easy identification.
Tabs Design Options
Within the design tab you will find all of the module』s styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing. This is the tab you will use to change how your module looks. Every Divi module has a long list of design settings that you can use to change just about anything.

Tab Text Design Options
These options control the style of your tab text (or title) for all tabs in your module. Options include tab font, tab font size, tab text color, tab letter spacing, and tab line height.
Body Text Design Options
These options control the style of your tab modules body text (the text entered in the content of your individual tabs). Options include body font, body font size, body text color, body letter spacing, and body line height.
Use Border
Select 「YES」 for this option if you would like to add a border to your tabs module. Once 「YES」 is selected, you will see additional styling options for your border including border color, border width, and border style.
Tabs Advanced Options
Within the advanced tab, you will find options that more experienced web designers might find useful, such as custom CSS and HTML attributes. Here you can apply custom CSS to any of the module』s many elements. You can also apply custom CSS classes and IDs to the module, which can be used to customize the module within your child theme』s style.css file.

CSS ID and Classes
This can be used to add a unique CSS ID or Class to your tabs module. These can then be used in your stylesheet or within the Theme Options Custom CSS box to apply custom styling to the module. CSS ID』s can also be targeted with anchor links to link to certain areas of your page.
Custom CSS
Here you can add custom CSS to your tabs module.
Here you can choose to hide (or disable) your tabs module on certain devices. You can choose to disable the module on phone, tablet, and/or desktop.
Individual Tabs Content Options

This option serves as the title of your tab. This will be the text in the actual tab that users click to toggle through the live tag module.
This is where you enter the body text of your tab using the built-in wysiwyg editor.
Background Color
Here you can add a background color for your tab.
Background Image
Here you can add a background image for your tab.
Individual Tabs Design Options

Tab Text
This option allows you to design the tab text which is the title of your tab. Options include font, font size, text color, letter spacing, and line height.
Body Text
This option allows you to design the body text of your tab. Options include font, font size, text color, letter spacing, and line height.
Individual Tabs Advanced Options

Custom CSS
Here you can add custom CSS to the specific tab your are editing. This CSS will be applied to this tab only.